‘The Headmaster will see you now’
How many times have you heard someone talk about being ‘sent to HR’ as though they were being sent to the headmaster’s office?
I’ve lost count of the number of TV programmes and adverts recently where I’ve seen this played out.
For me this stereotype of HR, as well as the notion that interactions with HR are something to be avoided is a million miles from reality.
The opposite stereotype - that HR practitioners are fluffy and frightened of taking the tough decisions, is also way off the mark.
The truth lies in the middle.
When tough business decisions need to be taken HR have a key role to play - ensuring balance, fairness, consistency. When dealing with employee wellbeing you demonstrate a more empathetic side. Both aspects require strength and resilience but in different ways.
HR are neither management nor union, which makes the role all the more effective. We often act as mediators, helping resolve conflict to avoid things escalating - a far cry from the enforcer role often played out in the media.
HR – Doc Marten, fluffy slipper or something in between?